Information and enrolment in local authority nursery schools

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How many we are

Nursery schools: n. 9
Classes: n. 30

Who we are

Agazzi: via Ticino, 26
Martiri della Libertà: via Tagliamento, 2
Castello: Via Garibotti, 38
Zucchi: Via R. Manna, 22
Aporti: Via Aporti, 7
S. Giorgio: Via S. Maria in Betlem, 36
Gallina: Via S. Bernardo, 3
Lacchini: Via Romanino, 1
Martini: Via S. Antonio del Fuoco, 8/10

School calendar

Local authority nursey school year starts on September 1st and finishes on June 30th.
Schools remain closed for about two weeks at Christmas and two days at Easter.

Summer school

In July one nursery school is usually open for the whole town


WHEN: from 8.00 am 18th January to 8.00 pm 10th February 2024.

Registration is online and is only active during the enrolment period.
In case of need, you can contact the offices of the Settore Politiche Educative e Istruzione (Educational Services).
To fill in the enrolment form, first you need to register to the online services of the Municipality of Cremona (if you are not already registered). Registration can be done using CRS/CNS (Regional or National Service Card - "Health Card"), SPID or CIE (Electronic Identity Card). Registration is possible at any time.

Only those who do not have access to the Internet can ask for an appointment to fill in the form at the offices of the Educational Services during opening hours. Users must go to the office with their CRS / CNS (Regional or National Service Card - "Health Card").

You can refer to the online guide for completing the application to enrol in the municipal infant school.

Settore Politiche Educative e Istruzione (Educational Services)
via del Vecchio Passeggio,1 - 26100 Cremona
tel. O372.407907
OPENING HOURS: Mon. Tue. Thu. Fri. 8.30 - 13.30
Wed. 8.30 - 16.30

WHO: children born in 2021, who have undergone compulsory vaccinations according to current legislation.

NOTES: All children living in Cremona can attend municipal nursery schools.
Families may indicate, on the enrolment form, the school they would like their child to attend.
A ranking list of all the applications received will be drawn up, based on legally bound criteria, which are indicated on the attached form.
Absolute priority will be given to children who are handicapped and/or belong to socially /economically, psychophysically or environmentally disadvantaged families and children with a sibling already attending the same school.
In the case the number of applications exceed the number of places available in the choosen school, to the applicants will be proposed a place in the schools selected as second or third option.
Enrolment and attendance are free of charge; a contribution is requested for meals, attendance before and after normal opening hours.

Settling in

Before beginning to attend a nursery school it is essential that the family and the teachers meet for an individual chat, so teachers can collect information about the child, to know his history and his habits. In this way it is possible decide the best strategies for the settling-in process that has to be necessairly gradualy. This is organised in small groups for few and with different attendance, for at least two weeks.