Information and enrolment in private nursery schools

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Who we are

S. Angelo
adresse: via Sabotino, 4 - tel.: 0372 23853

S. Abbondio
adresse: piazza Giovanni XXIII, 2 - tel.: 0372 458146

Sacra Famiglia
adresse: via XI Febbraio, 78 - tel.: 0372 28738

Maria Immacolata
adresse: via S. F. d'Assisi, 1/c - tel.: 0372 35765

Sacro Cuore
adresse: via G. da Cremona, 19 - tel.: 0372 20385


WHERE: Enrolments are received by the manager of the individual private school.

HOW: Until all available places are taken.

WHO: Children born in 2021.

Contribution fee

The fee is calculated on a fixed sum plus an amount for meals eaten and concerns each school.